Top Of The Week

Tree removal definition?

A woody perennial plant that has only one main axis, stem, or trunk, that is more than ten feet tall; no shrubs or...

Tree removal what to expect?

For a typical removal, the tree would be cut down to a low stump. The branches would be cut into regular pieces for use...

What happens to the roots when a tree is cut down?

Once the tree is cut, the roots can no longer grow because the leaves are needed to provide the food that feeds root...

How do you easily remove a tree?

Pour 3 to 4 ounces of chemicals to remove tree stumps into each of the holes in the form of granules, then fill them with ...

How do you tell if a tree will hit your house?

Wilting, thinning foliage, dead branches, undersized leaves, and limited growth are signs that tree roots may be damaged. ...

What time of year is best to remove a tree?

If your tree has a less serious problem, one of the best times to remove them is during the dormant season, between late...

Recent Posts

What is the difference between cutting and pruning?

What is the difference between cutting and pruning?

Tree pruning and pruning are done to ensure that the plant is beautiful and healthy. Tree felling is done, in some cases, ...

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